Greetings from Syria,
Good day to you and your family, I hope my electronic mail will arrive to you at good time. My denomination is Engr. Awad Mabrouk Gulistan from Syria. I am an oil and gas entrepreneur in sodality with state owned companies here in Syria.
Why I'm contacting you is to ken if we can have a personal conversation. Whatever truth you may brief me will be highly recommended. Tell me more about your country, how good it will be to invest in your country. Such as buying of properties, or authentic estate and some tourist places or any remuneratively lucrative investment venture that will yield good profit.
I will appreciate whatever result you may brief me. Do let me ken your conception and cognizance regarding this or any other remuneratively lucrative investment venture you may suggest.
We have an immensely colossal capital for investment in Energy and authentic-estate and we are inclined to injuctively authorize the transfer of the mazuma to you for investment if you are fascinated with my proposal. In my next mail I will expound the full details of the project and interest.
I shall tell you more about myself when I read from you. You may as well tell me little more about yourself when replying.
I look forward to read from you at your earliest convenient time. please reply in my personal email.
Kind Regards
Engr. Awad Mabrouk Gulistan
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From: Awad Mabrouk Gulistan aw0wg@outlook.com
Subject: Mutual discussion
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