Attn: recipient.
This is to advise you that Cumulated Nation gave me ordinant correspondence to reach you with respect to your Emolument of ATM Visa Card.
After a broad close entryway meeting between the Board of Directors of the COALESCED NATIONS, THE WORLD BANK-GROUP AND INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, it was determined and agreed upon that this body "world global obligation compromise council" will work widely to learn that your Contract Payment, Your Inheritance and Lottery Winning prizes will be paid immediately through the World Bank –Group and IMF Indemnification body
Note: we have chosen to get in touch with you taking after the reports we got from Anti-Fraud International Monitoring Group your assignment/email has been submitted to us hence the Cumulated Nations have agreed to remunerate you with the whole of(US$500,000.00) this remittance is also including worldwide business that fizzled because of Regime situations etc.You are consequently counsel to send the beneath data.
In the interim your ATM Visa Card is here with me, I just holding up to aurally see from you so that you're ATM Visa Card will be conveyance to you inside three working days time.
Holding up to auricularly observe from you with your full name address and phone number
Much obligedDr. Kazim Zongo.
Line +226 65 59 00 90
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Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:20:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Dr. Kazim Zongo." sniping_real@yahoo.com
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