Assalammu'alaikum, Waramotuhu llahi Wabarakathuhu Accolade Allah, The Most beneficient, The most forebearing May Allah SWT dependably gives rahmat and barakah to the lord, lord families and countries, Amiin. As you read this, I don't optate you to feel frustrated about me, since, I trust everybody will bite the dust sometime in the future.
My assignment is Delzendeh Hadi, Iranian by Nationality, I worked with Syria oil and Gas Company and eight years as a contractor, I have been determined to have Esophageal growth .It has debased all types of restorative treatment, and right now I have just around a couple of months to live, as indicated by therapeutic specialists. I have not completely carried on with my life so well, as I never truly administered to anyone (not even myself) but my business.
Despite the fact that I am extremely princely, I was never big-hearted, I was constantly combative to individuals and just focused on my business as that was the main thing I watched over. However, now I lament this as I now ken that there is a whole other world to life than simply needing to have or make all the mazuma on the planet. I accept when Allah gives me another opportunity to peregrinate to this world I would carry on with my life an alternate path from how I have lived it.
Since the master has called me, I have willed and given the greater part of my property and resources for my quick and prolonged relatives and additionally a couple dear companions. along these lines, I have chosen to offer aid to philanthropy associations, as I optate this to be one of the last great deeds I do on earth. As such, I have appropriated mazuma to some philanthropy associations in the U.A.E, Algeria and Syria.
Since my wellbeing has decayed so appallingly, I can't do this without anyone else's help any longer. I once solicited individuals from my family to close one of my records and circulate the mazuma which I have there to philanthropy association in Indonesia and Pakistan, they relucted and hushed up about the mazuma. Consequently, I don't believe them any longer, as they appear not to be fought with what I have left for them.
The remainder of my mazuma which nobody kens of is the cosmically massive money store of Five million dollars $5, 000, 000, 00 that I have with a security Company abroad. Insha Allah I optate you to benefit me amass this store and dispatched it to philanthropy associations. I don't optate a circumstance where this mazuma will be used in a profane way. Subsequently the explanation behind taking this striking choice.
By Allah I am not trepidacious of death henceforth I ken where I am peregrinated. I ken that I will be in the chests of the Lord.(Eidina Siratal Lmustakheem). Allah must be suited in truth and fearness (Yah ayuah Ledhina Aamanu, Irjihi Illa Robika, Rodihatan, Mordihatan)..I should give you more points of interest once you answer this letter.
I have put aside 10% for you and supplemental 5% for your time.The master be with you.
May Allah acknowledge our supplications.
Delzendeh Hadi
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