This 16th day of July the entire staff of Microsoft Corporation (Promotion Department) wish to inform you that you have just been selected as a lucky winner from the Microsoft New-Year email draws that is usually held twice in every year.
Microsoft Corporation organize this promotion offer in other to compensate consumers of the product in the world at large for their infinite supports towards the growth of the company.
Hence you have won $850,000 USD (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars) and you are expected to fill and send back the following for claims:
Full Name.............
Marital Status........
Telephone Numbers.....
SEND YOUR DETAIL: (win222department@gmail.com)
Congratulations!! Once again.
Yours in service,
The Award Team
(Microsoft Corporation)
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From: "McReynolds, Mack" Mack.McReynolds@CHAMP-TECH.com
Subject: YOU HAVE WON $850,000 USD
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