from: Mr. Simon Williams info2015a2016@gmail.com
reply to: "Mr. Simon Williams" mr.simon.williams1@gmail.com
to: me
date: 8 Desember 2014 23.44
subject: Good Day,
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Dear Good Friend, This message might come to you as a surprise. However, it all just my urgent needs for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner. I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I was praying to God or Allah about you. I am a banker by profession in Burkina Faso West Africa and currently holding the post of assistant Audit & Accounts director in our bank. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($15 million dollars) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on Monday 31st July 2004 in a plane crash. I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60 / 40% if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your responses. Please indicate your willingness by sending the below is information for more clarification and easy communication. Your Full Name............................................. Your Sex....................................................... Your Age....................................................... Your Country................................................. Your Occupation........................................... Your Personal Mobile Number...................... Thanks. Best regards, Mr. Simon Williams
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