
all photos used for illustrative purposes only, while all examples is the original letter that I got from my mailbox

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list of email addresses from October 2013


Big manhood can please your lady - You don't need to apply all energies to please her 17.51

Make your dreams come true - She will stay surprised by your new power 01.55

The only technique to energize your loving life - All real men do it 18 Okt

Solution to your marriage problems - The greatest method to please your woman 17 Okt

cheerio cheery - Hello my dear friend Romain It's always pleasant to feel that someone is caring about you. Give 15 Okt

Stretching beyond our boarders and pulling in the big dollars - How To Identify BULLISH Stocks In A BEARISH Market!!! It Has A Float You Will Have To See To Believe! 14 Okt

I hope you guys are researching it - It has volume and breakout alert!!! It Continues the Ascent!!! To buy: MO NK Last Trade: 0.07 Date: 14 Okt

FW: 12 hours to go for Stock trading MASTERY... - Another winner for our members! Blockbuster Alert: Exploding on Breaking News. Long Term Target Price 13 Okt

destiny - Hi to you Our beloved people are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. In my heart, I 12 Okt

Looking for a major move next week! - News out this morning, it is one of our best picks!!! Is This The Next Big Mailer Play? Company: 12 Okt

This Stock is moving higher - Why you should open and read this email. It Looks Strong!!! It is now: 0.07 Date: Mon, October 14, 12 Okt

I Have Found The Next Monster - New Alert With Potential for Big Moves! A Few Links That May Help You Along The Way... Company Name: 12 Okt

Romance wanted - Aloha, gentleman! I am cute and friendly girl. I am feminine, intelligent and caring. I adore arts 11 Okt

Estella Dobson
Ladies Watches - Hello Siwi We do not throw the words just to fill your e-mail box. By visiting this site you can 10 Okt

Take a look at really low prices - Bring extra pleasure to your loving life 10 Okt

Continuous moments of intimate pleasance - Boost extra force and extra length 9 Okt

Do you want to achieve the ideal intimate performance? - DO NOT leave your girl unsatisfied 8 Okt

Excellent ensuring effect on male health - Satisfy your girl tonight  8 Okt

Do you want to please your beloved one this night? - Have a bright action in bed 7 Okt

Can you have fun 4 times a night? - Feel life differences 7 Okt

Make a real gift for your partner - She deserves the first-rate man  7 Okt

Do you desire to surprise your lover at night? - This could recharge your loving life 6 Okt

Make your passion long-lasting - Do you desire to amaze your partner tonight? 4 Okt

Are you ready to surprise your lover at night? - Give your partner more pleasure 4 Okt

Satisfy your woman tonight - If you are the man, you don't need it 4 Okt

*** This Stock is Your Next Big Money Maker *** - A new play to pair up with an old favorite. And the bullish bounce continues as expected! Now: 4 Okt

Is is Looking For Another Leg UP Today! - The Alarm has Sounded!!! This Stock is our NEW HotFlash Featured Company! Traded as: S-GAE Date: Thu, 3 Okt

Could Rally Again starting Tomorrow! - This company is ready for round two. The Potential of this Pick is Absolutely Massive. Date: Wed, 2 Okt

Rolex, Super Online Prices - The best gifts for any holiday Super Watches Jewelry & Accessories Bags & Wallets Best Online 2 Okt

This Stock looks absolutely amazing here! - This Company is our updated report. Blockbuster Alert: Exploding on Breaking News!!! Now: .02 Trade 2 Okt

Gucci & Rolex
15% Discount for Replica - The best gifts for any holiday Super Watches Jewelry & Accessories Bags & Wallets Best Online 2 Okt

Momentum is there for a Monster Breakout this week - This Stock Is Roaring on Great News! New Stock After the Bell Today! Company Name: Siga Resources Inc 1 Okt

This Company is creeping up under the radar, may explode - Pre-Market Alert!!! It is Just Getting Started, You Ain`t Seen Nothing Yet! Symbol traded: SG AE Get 30 Sep

Stock Pick Success Story - A Dream Come True! It is about to explode in the morning! Company Name: Siga Resources Inc. Trade: 30 Sep
