
all photos used for illustrative purposes only, while all examples is the original letter that I got from my mailbox

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-------FORGET GOLD AND SILVER------------ vous envoie ce message au sujet de Blanc d'Espagne sachet de 1 kg, article au catalogue de dorure.net :

Dear patriot,

Forget gold and silver. In the coming crisis theyre going to be worth nothing... compared to this item.

Its something you can use to make powerful allies.You can exchange it for just about anything you need

from fuel to antibiotics.

http:// .com/recommends/?e=c2Fyd2FzdW5kYUBnbXguY29tDQ==

And its probably the single most important factor in keeping your family alive. That item is food.When

your neighbors are forced to beg borrow or steal... having enough food can mean the difference between

desperation and total peace of mind.

http:// .com/recommends/?e=c2Fyd2FzdW5kYUBnbXguY29tDQ==

Its the only real currency that can buy your survival in a world where iPhones and big screen TVs suddenly

mean nothing.


Alec Deacon-------------------------------

Pour voir le produit vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous ou copier et coller le lien dans votre navigateur Internet :

http://www. .net/product_info.php?products_id=25&osCsid=b95d6edbb24b61c78ba96bcc90a89732


http://www. .net/

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To: "saxxxxda @gmx.com" 
Subject: -------FORGET GOLD AND SILVER------------ vous recommande ce produit de dorure.net
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